Are you looking for self reliance quotes?
Are you trying to find affirmations to help you get the most out of opportunity when it knocks at your door?
If so, you have come to the right place.
This post has some great self reliance quotes and affirmations. These powerful sayings are designed to help you discover and make the most out of any opportunity that comes your way.
1. I will be the best that I can be.
2. I love challenges. They bring out my “A” game, and give me a chance to shine.
Luck VS Opportunity VS Preparation
2500 years ago the popular senator and philosopher Seneca said that, “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity”
Senaca was right. Luck comes and goes for all people. That is the nature of luck. The major difference between people who are “lucky” and those who are “unlucky” revolves around how they handle opportunity.
Do they recognize opportunity when it presents itself? Are they in a position where they can fully capitalize on the opportunity? Do they have contingencies in case the opportunity goes south?
Successful people will answer yes to all of these questions.
These self reliance quotes are not meant to give you a temporary boost of good feelings. They are meant to be part of the preparation for opportunity that Seneca spoke about.
Repeat these self reliance quotes like mantra’s or affirmations. They will help to keep your head in a space where you are constantly searching for the next opportunity, and able to make the most of opportunity when it presents itself.
Enjoy these self reliance quotes and opportunity affirmations.
3. I will search for the good that comes, even in bad situations.
4. I love change. It brings chances for opportunity.
What makes someone self-reliant?
Taking advantage of opportunities when they present themselves is just a part of being self reliant? It is an important part, when it comes to achieving great success, but it is still only a part. To be self reliant you need to be:
- True to yourself.
- Confident
- Make your own decisions
- Accept price of actions (good and bad)
- Trust yourself
- Stick to your path, regardless of how tough it gets.
- Engaging the world on your terms. Not the worlds terms
5. I will be open to new ideas, even when they run contrary to my own thinking.
6. I am fully committed to achieving my goals.
7. My life overflows with opportunity.
8. There are abundant opportunities waiting for me.
Steps to making these self reliance quotes work for you
- The first thing you need is confidence. If you don’t feel confident you should work to build a confidence habit. Confidence won’t happen overnight. People are not born confident. It is something you need to work at it daily.
- Foster a mindset to try new things. Some of these new things will be the opportunities you need to succeed. Others will lead to failure. You need to
understandKNOW that the lessons you get from failure are almost as important as the successes you achieve. - Control your monkey mind. (See how to quiet your monkey mind)
- Burn the mantra’s on this page into your brain. These self help style self reliance quotes should become second nature to you. You need to not only hear them, but believe them with your heart.
- Read the sayings of other great thinkers in the area of success. See some great success quotes.
- Create your own affirmations of self-reliance, self-assurance, self-confidence and success.
- Write out these affirmations pointing out the positive aspects of your personality. Use a thesaurus to help you find power words that have more impact.
- Don’t only make affirmations on the “good” points of your personality. Also make affirmations that build on who you want to be. (Here are some great examples of positive affirmations for men.)
- Repeat your affirmations aloud for 5 minutes, three times a day. Morning, noon and night. This repetition will slowly help to drive the thoughts home.
- Make a nice image of the affirmations you can sometimes look at. Pleasant images around an affirmation help to subconsciously equate the affirmation with the good things those images represent. Feel free to download, and use any of the large self love images on this page. That is what they are here for.
- While you are repeating the image, work on your breathing. Breathe in slowly. Hold the breather for a beat and slowly exhale while repeating your affirmation.
- Get a coach, friend or family member to sometimes repeat these affirmations for you. Wile a key to self love is saying these affirmations on your own, it always feels good to hear others saying positive things about you.
9. I will take advantage of change, making the most of the opportunities it presents.
10. I believe in myself. I deserve to accomplish my goals.
Using these self reliance and opportunity quotes and affirmations will help you to prepare for that elusive opportunity, when it does choose to present itself.
Hopefully, this collection of quotes on self reliance at least gave you a bit of inspiration. But I hope you use them as mantra’s and affirmations to get even more out of them. Specificcally the opportunities you deserve.
If you enjoy these positive affirmations for self reliance I hope that you will use them and share them with others. Please share them on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and your favorite social networks.
Also if you want to see more quotes, affirmations and mantra’s like these, please follow me on:
These are places I often try to share large picture quotes, mantra’s and affirmations like these. If you have and self reliance/opportunity affirmations or quotes you really love, please share them in the comments on the first page so I can make an image from it and share it with others.
Finally, if you want to use these quotes to make a lasting change to your life, then watch this free video that details the 7-minute habit for planning your day to focus on what's truly important to you..
Have a wonderful day. Keep searching for that opportunity. It will come!