15 Intermediate Goals Examples to Set for the Next Year

intermediate goals | what are your long term goals | what are examples of intermediate goals

We’ve talked a lot about your long-term goals and your short-term goals, but what about goals that fall somewhere in between? Your bigger life goals can feel overwhelming without breaking them down into manageable pieces–which can cause you to lose momentum and possibly give up because the payoff feels so far away. But, it’s also … Read more

Stretch Goals VS Smart Goals: Which is Better for Your Success?

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No matter what area of your life you’re working on, you need to have some type of framework and target when you’re setting goals. But considering there are several different goal categories and methods of working toward achieving what you want, you may wonder what the benefits are of stretch goals vs SMART goals, as … Read more

15 Common Cognitive Biases That Many People Have

confirmation bias | examples of biases | cognitive biases in decision making

Let’s solve a quick math problem. A bat and a ball cost $1.10. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? Ten cents, right?  At least that’s what first came to mind for me when reading this first question in a series of three in the Cognitive Reflection Test. … Read more

9 Bandwagon Fallacy Examples to Prevent Poor Decisions

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Thinking back to your childhood, do you remember your parents ever asking you, “If all of your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?” I know this fictional scenario was often presented to me when I argued to do something “because everyone else was doing it” but it didn’t often work very … Read more

The Hawthorne Effect: How Observation Helps You Maintain a Habit Change

hawthorne effect | hawthorne effect psychology | hawthorne effect in management

Have you ever had a job where the “big boss” or perhaps a board member or someone else significant to the company would stop by the office from time to time, causing the staff to quickly straighten up? Or, think back to when you were doing behind-the-wheel testing if you have your driver’s license. Did … Read more