Skillshare vs Udemy: The Best Options for 2024

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For those of us who were in school 15+ years ago, our options for getting a little extra help outside of the classroom or even learning about a subject that wasn’t being taught in school were extremely limited compared to the availability of information today. Hiring a tutor was expensive and often inconvenient, and going … Read more

Control What You Can Control: 5 Strategies to Build This Mindset

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When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was an active member of an online group with 72 other expecting moms. The group was appropriately titled January 2015, the month our babies were due.  Many members used the space while they were pregnant to create their “birth plans” and bounce ideas off of each other. Some … Read more

11 Employee Goal Examples for Your Professional Development

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In addition to offering paid time off, medical and dental insurance, and the option to buy into a retirement plan, many employers offer potential employees opportunities for professional development to sweeten up their job offers just a bit more. We’ve talked about the importance of being a lifelong learner and staying on top of emerging … Read more

25 Career-Boosting Activities to Do When Bored at Work

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I have had my fair share of boring jobs.  In fact, in one of my former jobs, I think my biggest accomplishment was researching and subsequently applying to graduate school.  Having a lot of downtime at work can be really frustrating, especially if you feel like you have a lot more to offer than you’re … Read more

13 Success Habits of Self-Made Millionaires

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Think for a second about why you’re here reading this site, Develop Good Habits. Hopefully by now it’s because you recognize that it’s the small things that you do every day that add up to create who you are and where you’re heading in life. By developing good habits, you can ensure a good long-term … Read more