5 Morning Routine Mistakes You Might Be Making

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Are your mornings hectic? Or are you able to approach them gracefully? If you’re trying to get your children ready for school, make sure the dog has gone out, and pack everything you need for the day all at the same time, your mornings can certainly feel overwhelming.  Mornings are tough for a lot of … Read more

10 Examples of Implementation Intention to Achieve Your Goals

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Imagine this scene: You’ve set your SMART goal, you’ve detailed your objectives, you’re motivated to follow the plan you’ve set out for yourself, and you know exactly what the end result is going to be because you’ve done your research. And while you’re prepared to have to push yourself, you also know your goal is … Read more

7 Steps to Start a Good Morning Routine

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Before I had a child, there was one thing that I really didn’t like about going on vacation–my morning routine had to be improvised. Post-child, my whole life seems to be improvised for the time being, but I remember those days where I valued my morning routine so much that I would do whatever I … Read more

7 Practical Steps to Build a Lifelong Reading Habit

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I spend a lot of time each week encouraging my six-year-old to read. And while she doesn’t dislike reading, if given the choice, she’s going to choose to go outside or play with slime 100% of the time. I get it…the books she’s tasked with reading are repetitive and increasingly challenging for her. But, knowing … Read more

35 SMART Goals Examples for All Areas of Your Life

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When you think five, ten, or fifteen years into the future, what do you hope will be significantly different than it is today? Your income? Your health? Your relationships? We all have visions for the future, and whatever yours may be, setting effective goals can help you get there by keeping you motivated, helping you … Read more