9 Fixed Mindset VS Growth Mindset Real-World Examples

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When I was in elementary school, I had a friend who played the violin–which was so cool because she was the only one who could do it.  Similarly, we had one girl in our grade who was a standout gymnast and one who did horseback riding competitions on the weekends. And of course we had … Read more

27 Habits to Develop the Growth Mindset in Your Life

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The sky’s the limit for people with a growth mindset. Unlike people with a fixed mindset, those with a growth mindset embrace challenges and criticism because they see these things as opportunities to grow and learn new ways of doing things. These warriors have a winning mindset and will do what it takes to accomplish … Read more

7 Simple Steps to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

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Think back to the last time you received criticism. What was your response? Did you have a quick verbal reaction of defending yourself and trying to prove the criticizer wrong? Or were you able to pause and take a moment to listen to the negative feedback, process it, and recognize a possible area for improvement … Read more

Don’t Break the Chain: Jerry Seinfeld’s Advice on Sticking to a Habit

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Jerry Seinfeld might not be the first person you think of when you’re trying to be productive or stick to a habit, but he has shared some advice that has inspired many people to keep working toward their goals, despite any obstacles they’re facing. And, while Seinfeld’s advice pertained to those in the entertainment industry, … Read more

7 Areas of Your Life for Setting Important Goals

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Have you ever asked someone how they’re doing and they respond by saying, “you know, same stuff, different day”? Or have you ever had that response yourself? To me, this common answer signals that you’re not getting what you want out of life, you’re on autopilot, and you don’t have a clear sense of direction … Read more