7 Strategies to Say NO Without Being Rude

how to say no | how to say no to family | how to say no professionally

One of my daughter’s friend’s mom recently asked me if I could take her daughter for the afternoon because she had a few things come up. My schedule was already jam-packed and I was struggling to figure out how I was going to handle having my own daughter that day, so I thought to myself, … Read more

The 7-Step Process to Plan Your Week

how to plan your week | Tips to Plan Your Week Effectively | How to Plan Your Day, Your Week, Your Year

Do you ever feel like there simply is not enough time in the week to get everything that you want to do accomplished? You may think to yourself on Sunday night that you have an entire week ahead of you to work on your projects, meet up with an old friend, get a proposal submitted, … Read more

12 Steps to Be More Social if You’re a Shy Person

how to be more social | ways to be more social | how to become a more social person

Let me ask you this: Do you cringe at the thought of going to your first day at a new job, or meeting your partner’s family for the first time, or even when you are obligated to go to a professional seminar where you don’t really know anyone? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, … Read more

7 Steps to Stop Your All or Nothing Thinking

all or nothing thinking | all or nothing thinking eexamples | how to overcome all or nothing thinking

“All or nothing” thinking, which is also referred to as “black and white” thinking or false dichotomy, refers to the tendency that people have to think and speak in extremes. Consider these absolute words that people often say: always, never, perfect, complete, impossible, identical, ruined, can’t, everybody… Have you said any of those words today? … Read more

7 Growth Mindset Activities and Exercises for Adults

growth mindset activities | growth mindset challenges | growth mindset activity

Do you get frustrated when you make a mistake? Or when you’re faced with a challenge, do you give up because you assume that you can’t do it? These are two reactions that someone with a fixed mindset would have. People with a fixed mindset believe that they’re born with their skills and those skills … Read more