8 Ways to Overcome Your Monday Blues

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Picture yourself on a typical Sunday night. Do you feel refreshed and energized as you look forward to the upcoming week? Or is there a slight (to severe) feeling of dread present when you think about waking up the next morning? Unlike other new beginnings that bring us enthusiasm and joy, Mondays have been found … Read more

Do It Anyway Poem by Mother Teresa: 5 Important Lessons

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Most people automatically think of Mother Teresa when they come across the inspiring poem, “Do It Anyway”. The words written in the verses of this poem were very meaningful to Mother Theresa, as she had it displayed on the wall of her home to help motivate the children in Calcutta. However, Mother Teresa’s poem was … Read more

Small Minds Discuss People: 5 Lessons from This Quote

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Think for a second about how many conversations you have every day. Whether it’s a professional exchange with someone at work or you’re making small talk with someone on the subway, it’s hard to go a day without having a conversation. In fact, one study found that the average person has 27 conversations per day, … Read more

125 Habits to Track for a Bullet Journal or App

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You’ve done your research to pick out your ideal bullet journal. You’ve compiled all of the pens you want to use and have decided on a color-coding system. Or, you’ve finally found an app that works just right for you to help you track your progress with your habits. But now what? One of the … Read more

11 Strategies to Instantly Clear Your Mind

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As a social worker in a busy hospital, I often find myself overwhelmed with requests, crises, and pressing issues that need an immediate resolution. Sometimes, I feel so bombarded by demands that I freeze, not knowing where to even start. When working in healthcare, there is little room for error. Tasks need to be completed … Read more