17 Simple Ways to Improve Your Work Performance

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Practicing continuous improvement in all facets of your life is important for your overall self-growth, but continuing to improve your performance at work may have the largest impact on your life. As our ever-changing technological society continues to expand, keeping your knowledge and skills stagnant is a surefire way to put an end to your … Read more

Mere Exposure Effect: Definition & 5 Examples

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It is widely accepted that people resist change. Instead, people prefer to find security in familiar approaches to life–which makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint, considering humans once perceived new stimuli to be a threat to their safety. The fear of the unknown has always had a huge impact on people’s decision making. And the … Read more

7 Top Motivation Theories in Psychology Explained

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The explanation of human behavior is complicated. Why do we do the things we do? What pushes us to act on our instincts? Theorists have been researching human behavior since the beginning of time, looking for explanations behind various aspects of social phenomena that are supported by empirical evidence. Many theorists have offered possible reasons … Read more

Self Empowerment: 9 Tips to Empower Yourself

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Are you confident in your decision-making abilities? Do you feel in control of yourself and your future? We all experience moments of uncertainty, self-doubt, and regret, which leads to holding back from going for the things we really want in life. But when you feel empowered, you know what your starting point is and what … Read more

Accountability vs Responsibility: 5 Ways They Differ

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Have you ever worked on a team that operated like a well-oiled machine? Where everyone’s role was clearly defined, communication ran smoothly, and you didn’t have to constantly deal with problems because someone else dropped the ball? Alternatively, have you worked on a team where everyone had a lot on their plate, but different tasks … Read more