6 Ways to Change a Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mindset

scarcity mindset | abundance mindset vs scarcity mindset | scarcity mindset money

Do you remember playing musical chairs as a child? As the music played and you marched around the circumference of the circle of chairs, you anxiously awaited the music to stop so you could fight for that last seated spot. I personally strongly disliked this game. There was something about that one-on-one physical competition and … Read more

5 Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Actions (and Life)

take responsibility for your actions | take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming others | taking responsibility for your actions in a relationship

What role do you play in your own life? Are you the one who is in charge? When things are going well, chances are, you’re eager to accept responsibility for that. However, when things take a turn for the worse, blame-shifting is a common technique people use to prevent others from seeing them at fault. … Read more

15 Growth Mindset Statements to Recite Daily

growth mindset statements | examples of growth mindset statements | my growth mindset statements examples

If your colleague were to earn the promotion that you were hoping for, would you be genuinely happy for them? Or would you feel envious and like you’re not good enough? Or, if you were just shy of meeting one of your goals, would you feel defeated or would you reflect on some opportunities that … Read more

9 Personal Challenges to Advance Your Self-Growth

personal challenges | personal challenges in life as a student | personal challenges for self growth

If you could snap your fingers and create a picture-perfect future for yourself, what would it look like? Look beyond your initial thoughts of being a gazillionaire and owning all of the things. But if you can’t quite put those thoughts aside, with whom are you sharing that life? And how did you get there? … Read more

Naturalist Intelligence: Definition, Characteristics & 5 Examples

naturalist intelligence | naturalist intelligence activities | naturalist intelligence examples

Although it was almost 20 years ago, I will never forget the unseasonably warm Saturday morning in December I had to wake up and go to an unfamiliar school to take the test that marks the beginning of the end for high schoolers nationwide–the SATs. Even back then, there was debate regarding how well these … Read more