5 Foolproof Ways to Permanently Stop Biting Your Nails

how to stop biting nails | how to stop biting nails permanently | ways to stop biting your nails

Let’s face it: Nail biting is a bad habit. But if this is a habit that you have, you’ve likely noticed that it isn’t easy to stop. Nail biting is common in children and teenagers. In fact, it is the most common nervous habit worldwide, and it’s a popular habit among adolescents because the teen … Read more

How Many Steps Are in a Mile? A Simple Calculation for Walkers

steps in a mile | approximately how many steps in a mile | how many steps in a mile

Not sure about the distance you’re covering with a daily walk or run?  Many people ​who ​exercise, count their steps but​ don’t know how many miles they’ve covered. Normally, this isn’t a big issue.  But as Peter Drucker once said, “What gets measured, gets managed.“ ​​So how many steps are in a mile? Generally speaking, … Read more

How If-Then Plans Helps You Stick with a New Habit

if then plan | if then plans example | if then planning framework

When it comes to a habit change, we all start with the best of intentions. We promise to make a change, commit to it every day and imagine a perfect future where we’re no longer doing a bad habit. Then what usually happens? Failure. The question is: Why do people fail when they start with … Read more

15 Best Meditation and Mindfulness Apps for 2024

mindfulness apps | best mindfulness apps | meditation apps

There is an app out there for everything these days; even for meditation and mindfulness. There are actually hundreds of these mindful apps available, promising to help users combat their anxiety, get better sleep, increase their focus, manage their weight, and more. But how do you know which one is right for you, or the difference … Read more

15 Simple Ways to Love Yourself More

love yourself more | how to love yourself more | ways to love yourself more

Do you love yourself? When you drag your butt out of bed in the morning are you energized to make the most of the day? Or are you worried about what will go wrong? Do you look in the mirror and not like what you see? Or are you comfortable in your own skin? Do … Read more