10,000-Hour Rule: A Simple Rule for Mastering a Skill

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“Learning isn’t a way of reaching one’s potential but rather a way of developing it.” – K. Anders Ericsson In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell popularized the idea that it requires 10,000 hours of concentrated practice in order to possess what is considered a world-class skill in something. Whether you intend to become the most … Read more

27 Ways to Break Your Bad Habits (without the Cravings)

how to break bad habits | break bad habits | bad habits

Habits run our daily life.  Pretty much everything you do is based on a habit you’ve developed at some point in your life. Some habits are helpful, while others can also work against you.  Even worse – there are a few “bad habits” that can have a negative, long-term impact on your capacity to live … Read more

7 Ways to Overcome the Sunk Cost Fallacy Mindset

sunk cost fallacy | sunk cost fallacy mindset | sunk cost fallacy examples

Do you often find yourself continuing on a path that doesn’t feel right, only because you’ve already invested so much time or money into it? You might strongly dislike what you’re doing, but you feel like you have to stay the course because you can’t imagine doing anything differently. If this sounds familiar, then you’re … Read more

10 Ways to Deal with a Impostor Syndrome Mindset

Discover how to deal with impostor syndrome and learn how to celebrate your accomplishments.

Do you know that sudden feeling you get when you are assigned a new project at work and you think you are in way over your head? Or when people around you are talking about their careers, and you feel quietly ashamed because you don’t think your success measures up? Maybe you beat yourself up … Read more

10 Benefits of Adult Coloring Books on Stress & Anxiety

Learn the benefits of coloring for adults and how it can increase self esteem and develop a greater self awareness.

Coloring pages are no longer just for kids. These days many adults are coloring too, and not just to give them a temporary return to the days of their youth. There are many good therapeutic reasons why adult coloring pages are all the rage these days. This post goes over the top 10 benefits of … Read more