17 Healthy Ways to Fall Asleep Earlier

sleep before midnight | what's the best time to sleep | sleep early

Nothing good happens after midnight. I first heard this phrase while in the military. It was true then; it is true now. All sorts of shenanigans happen to those who stay up late, especially past midnight. Think of the common reasons to stay up to the wee hours of the night: Video Games TV Facebook … Read more

8 Ways to Be More Self Aware Throughout Life

self awareness | define self-awareness | definition of self-awareness

Having self-awareness means that you have a sharp realization of your personality, including your strengths and weaknesses, your thoughts and beliefs, your emotions, and your motivations. If you are self-aware, it is easier for you to ​​​​​understand other people and detect how they perceive you in return. Many people assume that they have a healthy … Read more

The Rock, Pebbles, and Sand Analogy for Time Management

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Having trouble deciding what to work on? Well, there’s a popular time management analogy called the “rock, pebbles, and sand story.” In this article, I will briefly retell this story and then dive into a few key lessons about how to apply this information to your life. If you prefer to watch instead of read, … Read more

77 Self-Care Quotes to Love Yourself More

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Self-care. It’s an important topic that most people don’t spend enough time thinking about because they feel like they don’t have enough time. You might be a successful, hard-driving person, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to focus on self-care. Instead, it has been found that focusing on your needs occasionally is a proven … Read more

13 Steps to Stop Making Excuses and Own Your Actions

how to stop making excuses | stop making excuses | tips to stop making excuses

Did you give in to that leftover piece of cake in your office’s breakroom? Or do you frequently procrastinate on tasks or projects that you know are important? As humans, we are fantastic at picking from a wide range of excuses to limit our capabilities. From avoiding the gym to studying for an exam, it’s … Read more