15 Steps to Stay Awake in Class or At School

stay awake in class | stay awake during school | how to stay awake in class

Have you ever fallen asleep in class? There’s no need to be ashamed about dozing off in class. It is actually a natural phenomenon. Studies have shown that people can only stay completely focused on something for a maximum of 10 minutes. Unfortunately, most classes last longer (often waaaay longer) than 10 minutes. In addition, … Read more

17 Proven Strategies to Positively Reinvent Yourself

reinventing yourself | reinvent yourself | how to reinvent yourself

We all fall down sometimes. You can’t live life without making some major mistakes and hitting a few brick walls and low points along the way. Fortunately, it is not about how low you fall, but about how high you bounce back up when you hit the bottom and have had enough. These low points … Read more

8 Causes of Procrastination: Why Do People Procrastinate?

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Don’t you hate it when you have something you need to do, but you just don’t want to do it or you can’t get yourself motivated? Everyone procrastinates at some point, but some people avoid their unwanted obligations so much that it results in a downward spiral of emotions that has a snowball effect. So, … Read more

Excellence is a Habit: 7 Lessons from This Aristotle Quote

Did aristotle say quality is not an act it is a habit and other thoughts on the famous quote.

Have you ever heard this famous quote that’s often attributed to Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Or, put more simply: “Excellence is a habit.” Over the past two decades, the world of personal growth and development has seemed to grow exponentially. The Internet, technological … Read more

9 Ways to Stop Obsessing Over Someone (Guy OR Girl)

how to stop obsessing over someone | how to stop obsessing over someone you just met | how to stop obsession over a girl | how to stop being obsessed with a girl

Have you heard of the term “obsessive love disorder?” When we are attracted to a guy or girl, it is normal to have persistent thoughts about the one we are attracted to. It’s not surprising that we’d want to spend every moment with that person. A healthy relationship actually thrives on these thoughts that help … Read more