7 Best TED Talks on Mindfulness: Inspirational Discussions that May Change Your Life

The TED Talk platform has become popular for many reasons, the main reason is clearly stated in their simple slogan: “Ideas Worth Spreading.” TED Talks are an inspiring way to open your mind to new ideas, with the fun twist of having professionals on a variety of subjects tell real stories and describe real situations … Read more

5 Best Resistance & Exercise Bands for 2023

Check out our review of the best resistance bands to help your body to grow rather than staying complacent in a repetitive cardio routine.

The benefits of adding weight training to your cardio exercise routine far outweigh the benefits of doing cardio alone. Over the past 10 years, researchers have made increasingly compelling arguments for the benefits of weight training for overall health. But people are still reluctant to add this important factor to their exercise routine. Many people … Read more

7 Best TED Talks on Procrastination: Tim Urban and Others

Watch the 7 best TED talks on procrastination and learn how to stop struggling to get things done.

TED—which stands for “technology, entertainment, design”—is a company that posts lectures online with the slogan “ideas worth spreading.” The TED conference has been held each year since 1990, and while its initial focus was on technology and design, it has since expanded to include lectures on a wide variety of topics, including education, business, and … Read more

50 Health Benefits of Using Turmeric to Supplement Your Diet

Learn what are the benefits of using turmeric and turmeric skin problems in this 50 proven benefits of turmeric guide.

If someone were to ask you what you think the most powerful herb on the planet is for fighting and even reversing disease, would one of your first guesses be a component of tikka masala? Many people don’t realize that the curry that is incorporated into this dish (and many others) has some very powerful … Read more

Create an Effective Time Management Habit with the Pomodoro Technique

I think I am an efficient person. I write two blogs, with most posts coming in around 1,500-200 words, I come out with 20,000-word book about every month. I manage all other sorts of my business-related aspects. I walk or run most days of the week. I read I research, and I discover new things. … Read more