How to Increase Your Lung Capacity: 4 Exercises to Try Today

Learn how to strengthen lung capacity with this how to increase lung capacity guide.

Do you ever feel like you get short of breath in situations when other people may not? If so, there are several factors that could contribute to this, including the negative effects of smoking, asthma, and COPD. Or maybe you are a runner, swimmer, yoga enthusiast or singer, and have what would be considered “normal” … Read more

What Is Walking Meditation? (How to Build This Mindfulness Habit)

We have all heard about the benefits of mindfulness, and how practicing this form of meditation has many health benefits. However, have you heard about the benefits of a habit called “walking meditation?” Both walking and meditation are great for your health, but when they are put together, they offer benefits that are greater than … Read more

Five Best Headlamps for Running (Our Review for 2022)

Decide which best led headlamp is for you in our runner headlamp reviews of the Best Headlamps for Running.

It’s that time again. Winter is upon us. While you might not need to cover yourself in holiday lights when you go outside for a run, as the days get shorter and daylight is limited, it is a good idea to look into headlamps for running. But how do you know which one suits you? … Read more

5 Best Hiking Boots for Men (Our Top Picks for 2022)

Looking for the Best Hiking Boots for Men? Our Top Picks for Men's Hiking Boots

Hiking outdoors is an exciting alternative to going to the gym if you want to get some cardio exercise. A lot of men choose to go hiking not only because of the physical exercise that it provides, but also because of the nice views, fresh air, and sounds of nature. Hiking in nature has specific … Read more

7 Steps to Go Gluten-Free and Break the Gluten Habit

Read this step-by-step guide on how to start a gluten free diet and enjoy a healthier life.

Everyone wants to offer advice these days. Whether it is your friend or a popular blog, everyone has an opinion and “knows the answer.” People are drowning with information on diet and health. Topics ranging from “what food to eat every day” and “which foods are bad for you” abound. It can get confusing to … Read more