How to Use Essential Oils Safely and Effectively in Your Home

Learn how to use essential oils safely

If you’ve ever been stopped in the streets after catching a whiff of a rose flower, then chances are you have experienced the power of essential oils. Essential oil can be described as a concentrated hydrophobic liquid whose chemical composition is comprised of volatile aroma compounds extracted from plants. Essential oils are also referred to … Read more

How to Start Journaling (and Make It a Daily Habit)

Journaling has several benefits for your overall health, and particularly your emotional health. It’s relaxing and helps you better understand your thoughts.

Have you ever tried to start a journaling habit, only to quit a few days later? Personally, my problem was always starting and stopping. I’d get excited about writing a daily journal, and for the first week, everything would go smoothly. Then, I’d get busy one day and decide that “missing one day won’t hurt.” … Read more

7 Health Benefits of Using Essential Oils in Your Life

Aromatherapy uses plant-based essential oils to provide the mind and body with numerous health benefits. These oils are typically inexpensive and free of harmful side effects, and they work very quickly as the oils get absorbed through the skin and lungs.

Why care about the benefits of essential oils? What are essential oils? and how can they help you? Why is it worthwhile to make a habit of using essential oils for your healthy living needs? If you are thinking about creating a habit of using essential oils, this post gives you all the information you … Read more

Novice to Expert: 6 Steps to Learn Anything, Increase Your Knowledge, and Master New Skills

Don’t know how to get started with a new skill? If so, then my book, Novice to Expert: 6 Steps to Learn Anything, Increase Your Knowledge, and Master New Skills, can help. Here, I show you how you can learn anything… without spending lots of money… without dedicating thousands of hours to the process… and … Read more

Mini-Habits for Weight Loss Book Review

Diet and weight loss habits are the toughest habits to change. Bad habits are binary, you either do them, or do not do them. If you work hard at it, you can hopefully quit them forever. It is impossible to simply “quit eating”. This is what makes keeping the weight off such a difficult task … Read more