Sleep Habits of the Rich and Famous (Infographic)

Many articles and research emphasize the importance of getting enough sleep for creativity and productivity. The classic “8 hours of sleep” rule get thrown around often. But a lot famous and successful personalities throughout history favored sleeping habits we’d consider strange in today’s standards. From regular naps throughout the day to two-hours of sleep at night, … Read more

The One Hour Weekly Habit to Prioritize, Reduce Your Stress & Determine Your Direction

Weekly Meeting

If you’re here you know or want to learn the power of setting good habits. Habits can make or break us in life, whether that be in how we run our work days, when (and if we exercise), and even our responses to people. But with all the priorities you have in life, including even … Read more

Confident You: An Introvert’s Guide to Success in Life and Business

Introvert ebook- confident you

Are you an introvert? Many introverts struggle with the challenges of living in a world that rewards the outgoing extrovert. Extroverts are often seen as the “good outgoing leaders” and the “go to” people while many introverts could do even better work, but are left out in the cold. Success in life often come down … Read more

6 Habits Entrepreneurs Should Steal From Olympic Athletes

When you look at the super successful entrepreneurs they all have stories that show much more than what meets the eye. The world of sports is the same as these, as there is a reason that some reach high levels and others don’t. Athletic gifts do play a role in this success but habits play an even bigger role.

Athletes spend years of their lives since childhood build successful habits and it almost goes completely ignored. The problem with most fans of sport is that the behind the scenes story is not paid attention to nearly enough. When you look at the super successful entrepreneurs they all have stories that show much more than … Read more

4 Steps for Buying your next Pair of Walking Shoes

Looking to buy a new pair of walking shoes? It is important to understand the things that make a good pair of walking shoes, long before you make a purchase. This post will focus on the 4 steps you should take to help you find the right pair of walking shoes. How Important are Good … Read more