Grains of Sand Method (Do Productive Work in Free Time)

Sand Castle-Productivity

Today I’m pleased to announce the first guest post on Develop Good Habits.  The following article is written by Michal Stawicki who recently published the book Master Your Time in 10 Minutes a Day (which is free for the next few days.)  The habit that Michal is about to discuss can have an amazing impact … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Building Willpower [Part 2]

Goal Soccer Willpower image

Welcome back to our discussion on willpower. In the first part of this series we talked about how even successful people (like Oprah Winfrey) often succumb to temptation.  Plus we went over three experiments that showed “why” you can’t rely on willpower alone to stick to a new habit.  And we finished off with a simple … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Building Willpower [Part 1]

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Willpower is a concept that’s often misunderstood. It’s easy to give credit to willpower when you successfully build a new habit, but it’s also equally easy to chalk up a failure due to a lack of willpower. So what is willpower? How does it affect your ability to stick to a new routine?  Is it … Read more

23 Anti-Procrastination Habits

For many years, I struggled with procrastination. In school I was always “cramming” the night before a big test, my papers were chronically late and I was always forgetting to do the simplest of tasks. What finally got me to “take action” was forming a number of anti-procrastination habits. I know other people also struggle … Read more

Why “Broken Windows” Cause You to Feel Overwhelmed and Out of Control

broken windows theory | what is the broken windows theory | broken window theory pdf

If you’re like most people, there are times when you feel overwhelmed and out of control in your life. You want to take action, but you feel too depressed to do much with your day. The interesting thing? There is a specific habit you can develop that will help you minimize the “blue feelings” that … Read more