The 5 Biggest Mistakes When Creating New Habits (And How to Avoid Them)

How to Avoid The 5 Biggest Mistakes When Creating New Habits

Do you know the feeling? You’re all fired up about a new habit. And for a couple of weeks, the inspiration keeps you going. But at some point, that initial motivation starts to fizzle out. And before you know it, you’ve quit your new habit. Again. When this pattern has repeated itself enough times, it’s … Read more

7 Habits That Kill Creativity

It's clear that most creatives follow certain habits that make them even more so – and so do people who complain about the lack of creativity in their lives. Here are seven common habits that kill creativity.

Have you ever thought about why some people are more creative than others? It doesn’t take a lot of insight to know that people are lazy and likely to spend minimum effort on getting things done. Our brains like to follow known patterns instead of reinventing a process every single time. For some activities this … Read more

How to Use Technology for Sticking to Your Habits

Use Tech to Keep Yourself Motivated

It takes weeks for a new activity to become an ingrained habit. However, when trying to adopt something that’s particularly challenging, you may find it tough to continue it for a few consecutive days, let alone weeks. Luckily, there are technological interventions that can keep you on track and make motivation much easier to maintain. … Read more

The ONE Question, Email Habits, and Boosting Your Productivity for Good

Email Habits, and Boosting Your Productivity for Good

I recently read a book called The ONE Thing by Gary Keller. The basic idea behind the book is to simplify your life and focus all your effort towards goals that make other things unnecessary or easier. In my opinion, the most important lesson of the book is something that the author introduces as a … Read more

You’re Reading Food Labels All Wrong – 4 Items to Closely Examine

A huge component of fitness or weight-loss comes down to developing healthy eating habits. Exercise will only take you so far – Fueling your body with the right food is critical. Unfortunately, choosing healthy foods can be more challenging than it seems. Take a quick look at a food label and it’s easy to become … Read more