21 Pros and Cons of Using Creatine

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​If you’re into sports (especially weight lifting), then you’ve probably already heard about a supplement called creatine. Creatine has been widely accepted as one of the most effective supplements to increase muscle mass, improve performance, and gain strength. In fact, its popularity has made it the best-selling supplement in the bodybuilding world. But is it … Read more

19 Free Workout Calendar Templates to Plan Your Exercise Habit

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Determined to succeed in your fitness goals? Whether you’re working out to lose weight, bulk up, get toned, or develop more strength, writing down your workout schedule can be a major determiner of your success. The Benefits of a Workout Schedule Having a workout schedule benefits you in the following ways: It strengthens your commitment … Read more

29 Songs About Intelligence and Being Smart

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Here’s cause for celebration: It is possible to become smarter as you grow older! Our brain’s ability to grow new neurons that increase our intelligence is called neurogenesis. Activities that exercise the brain encourage new neurons to grow. We can help facilitate this with the type of mindset we possess. If you’ve ever come across … Read more

23 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Work Out

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Are you searching for ways to stay committed and motivated to working out? Or are you trying to figure out how to make exercising a permanent habit? You are not alone. Many people usually start with an exercise program all excited and pumped up. However, as time goes by, their enthusiasm for working out dwindles. … Read more

11 Steps to Deal With a Narcissist at Work or in Your Personal Life

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Do you know a narcissist? Are you frustrated by a person in your life who demands attention all the time? Or someone who seems insensitive to other people’s feelings? Is there a member of your family who constantly puts other people down, including you? Or do you have that friend who, no matter what the … Read more