$5 Meal Plan Review (Updated for 2024)

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Are you sick of working late hours and ordering take out? Meal planning can help! Do you miss family dinners with your kids? Meal planning can help! Say hello to $5 Meal Plans… a service that takes the indecisiveness out of meal planning and brings quality meals back to the table again. Instead of spending … Read more

What To Do With My Life? A Simple Guide to Find Out

what to do with my life | what should i do with my life | life purpose

What to do with my life…. This is a question most of us have been asking ourselves since we were kids. Think about it… Beginning as early as preschool graduation, kids are being asked to tell their teachers what they want to be when they grow up.  And it never ends. You’re sitting around the … Read more

88 Fun Activities for Kids for Every Occasion

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Anxious. Bored. Tired. Frustrated. Curious. Creative. Dedicated. These adjectives may describe you. They may also describe your kids. But at one point or another, we’ve all been there. Been that person. I am that person. Every day. As a mom of four small children, I run the gamut of emotions daily. I want to make … Read more

31 Age-Appropriate Chores for Your Kids to Earn Money

chores for kids | chores for 9 12 year olds | chores for 10 12 year olds

There are many different types of families out there. The nuclear family. The extended family. The single-parent family. And the co-parent family. Regardless of the type of the family, they all have one thing in common… children. And the way we raise our children will impact the way they treat others… how they see themselves… and, ultimately, … Read more

13 Ways to Love Yourself More and Be Happy

how to love yourself | how to love yourself when you dont know how | how to love yourself and be confident

Have you ever been in love? Deeply, madly, passionately in love? With yourself? Yes… with yourself. After all, it’s easy to fall in love with another person… or at least convince yourself that you have. We’ve all been there. Thought, “he’s the one!” Or, “she’s perfect” … after just a few dates. Perhaps even on … Read more