7 Steps to Wake Up at 5 AM Every Day

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At some point in your life, you will utter the words, “there just aren’t enough hours in the day”… if you haven’t done so already.  Personally speaking, I am notorious for feeling this way. I’m a freelance writer working from home, while virtual schooling my four elementary age school children.  Add to that the stuff … Read more

25 Marriage Goals Every Couple Should Set

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Nobody ever said that being in a romantic relationship is easy… at least, not all of the time. In fact, I’d venture to say it takes work most of the time in order for it to grow and, ultimately, go the distance. Despite it being the strongest bond two people can engage in with one … Read more

35 Weekly Goals Examples for 2024 & How to Set Them

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Setting resolutions or goals for the New Year always sounds so airy-fairy. I mean, chances of you actually achieving these lofty goals you set are slim to none. In fact, Strava – the famous fitness tracker app – has coined the term “Quitter’s Day” … the day when you’ll most likely quit pursuing your New … Read more

7 Types of Goals: The Ultimate Guide to Goal Categories

You may have some idea about the different types of goals to pursue, but are still unsure on the proper method of finding goals that are right for you. To make things even more confusing, you may have heard some talk about how limiting your goals to a only a handful of quality goals is another important part of the picture. If you are confused about the different types of goal and which styles might be “right” for you: you are in the right place. This post should clear up any confusion you have about finding the right goals tailored for YOUR life.

Setting goals is crucial for getting all that you want from life. This includes finding success in your relationships, career and overall physical and mental well-being. None of these things would be possible with a roadmap for how to get there… and a time frame for doing so. Goals may change over time, and they … Read more

Process Goals: 5 Examples & How to Write These Goals

process goals | process goals examples | how to set process goals

It seems we have been conditioned to go through life setting goals for ourselves.  These goals change over time and typically become more complex or meaningful as we get older.  Sometimes, they may even be deemed necessary in order to ensure our professional success or personal well-being.  For instance, if your doctor says you need … Read more