7 Reading Log Templates for Kids 2024 (Free Printables)

Check out these free reading log templates and weekly reading log template and help your child read more books.

If you’re a parent of school age children… you know what a reading log is. And most likely, your child’s teacher has suggested you either download a reading log template… or provided you with one in your child’s homework folder. This is usually the case for younger elementary students. If you aren’t familiar with the … Read more

How to Be More Outgoing and Talkative in Social Situations

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Do you have that one friend or family member who is always outspoken? Sociable? Confident? The person other people seem to flock towards? The one who typically gets what they want? Do you ever wish you could be more like them? There is no shame in secretly wishing you could be like somebody else… even … Read more

75 Fun Journal Writing Prompts for Kids

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From the moment they are born, children are trying to communicate what they are feeling. Babies cry when they are hungry, tired or need their diaper changed.  Toddlers will often throw tantrums that tell onlookers they are angry, but in reality they may just be frustrated about something.  Displaced emotions are common in young children… … Read more

83 Fun Hobbies for Couples That Will Strengthen Your Relationship

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Do you ever find yourself walking down the street and smiling at the elderly couple holding hands? Or feel a tear in your eye, watching an ailing man’s beloved wife of 50 years push him through the park in his wheelchair on a beautiful Spring day? Maybe you are in awe of your grandparents, who … Read more

The Pomodoro Technique: 25-Minutes to Increase Productivity

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If you’re like most people, time management can be a challenge. Odds are you’re bombarded with work tasks, personal projects or family obligations, lengthy to-do lists and constant emails flooding your inbox. So, how do you get it all done in the most efficient manner… without anything falling through the cracks? It can be a … Read more