15 Examples of Procrastination in School, Work, and Life

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We have all put off doing something that we didn’t look forward to. For most people, this doesn’t happen often. For others, however, procrastination is so ingrained that this happens regularly… even when it’s something positive. It’s as if they are sabotaging their own happiness. Chronic procrastination is something that needs to be addressed and … Read more

Goals for Teens: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you a parent or teacher of teenagers? If so, you want the best for them. They are at a crucial time in their lives and you will have an impact on their success. You are their guide, a mentor, tasked with helping them find meaning and purpose in life. One way to help them … Read more

How to Take Action in Life: 13 Simple Steps

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If you’ve ever wanted to stop wasting time procrastinating and actually achieve your goals, you can benefit by learning a thing or two about how to take action. In all honestly, most people have been found guilty of procrastination at one time or another… I know I have. But over time, I’ve learned to manage my … Read more

9 Steps to Believe in Yourself to Succeed in Life

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I don’t really like to admit it, but I do struggle with self-esteem and self-confidence. While I still exude a certain amount of confidence, I often can’t help but think that I would have a better quality of life- both personally and professionally – if I could believe in myself more. In this post, I will address … Read more

Vision VS Goals: 5 Important Differences

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There’s a secret to making dreams come true – we need a vision and we need to set goals. People get confused about vision vs goals; sometimes assuming they’re the same thing. But they have some important differences, and both are vital to helping us become who we want to be.  There’s nothing better than letting … Read more