Intrinsic VS Extrinsic Goals: Which is Better for Your Success?

intrinsic vs extrinsic goals | intrinsic and extrinsic goals examples | difference between intrinsic and extrinsic goals

Have you ever wanted to create a more successful life for yourself? One way to enhance your quality of life can be to know the differences between intrinsic vs extrinsic goals. In doing so, you will be able to better understand which one will help you improve your chances of having additional success in your life. Personally … Read more

10 Key Elements of the Communication Process

elements of communication | elements of communication process | elements of communication and their meaning

Opportunities to improve communication exist, from learning to be a better listener to being assertive in your communication. But understanding the key elements of communication is sure to help you improve communication skills. Plus, you’ll be able to see a greater impact on your relationships, than simply brushing up on those skills alone. What happens … Read more

How to Create a Ten Year Plan for Your Life [with a Template]

ten year plans | 10 year plan examples | 10 year goal plan examples

Most of us can barely make it through a day sometimes… so the thought of drawing up a ten year plan to prepare, implement and (hopefully) achieve may be just a little daunting. After all, none of us know where we will be in 10 years’ time. Do we?   Yet, creating a ten year … Read more

13 Manifestation Techniques to Make Your Dreams a Reality

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Why does it seem that some people seem to get everything they want, while others seem to constantly struggle? While it may seem unfair, I promise you this… the Universe isn’t playing favorites. These people have simply learned the art of letting the universe know what they want. By learning some manifestation techniques, you can … Read more

7 Habits to Develop Better Critical Thinking Skills

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Everywhere you turn these days you are bombarded with the thoughts and ideas of others. It used to be only those around you and television that you had to deal with… but, today, information and misinformation are everywhere. You can’t scroll through social media without seeing a multitude of “news” stories within minutes. The internet … Read more