6 Authority Bias Examples That Might Impact Your Decisions

authority bias | authority bias examples | how to overcome authority bias

It starts as children when we try to please and impress our parents. That need to please follows us to school as we try to impress our teachers and coaches–and ultimately to our adult lives as we go out of our way to please our bosses. And this isn’t only true for people who tend … Read more

5 Burden of Proof Fallacy Examples

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If you think about what the “burden of proof” means for a minute (or you look it up), it makes perfect sense. This is something that you probably face in one form or another every day.  While the concept of “the burden of proof” is commonly used in law, it also plays a critical role … Read more

5 Appeal to Tradition Fallacy Examples in Life

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“Because that’s how we’ve always done it.” When I was working in my first position in child welfare at an agency that had been around for decades, this is the response I frequently received when questioning why certain processes were in place. As a recent graduate from a master’s program in social work, I was … Read more

5 Appeal to Authority Logical Fallacy Examples

appeal to authority examples | appeal to authority examples in media | appeal to false authority examples in media

Do you remember when “Because my mom said so” was a valid argument? Back in the days when our parents were the ultimate authority on all topics and if a grownup said it was true, there were no further questions. But, with age and experience, this argument lost its power as we recognized that our … Read more

7 False Cause Fallacy Examples Throughout Life

false cause fallacy examples | false cause fallacy examples in media | questionable cause fallacy examples

What would happen if you dropped a mirror and it broke? Well, aside from having to buy a new mirror, you would probably expect seven years of bad luck to be ahead of you. But, if you think back to our article on the Post Hoc Logical Fallacies, you know this popular belief stems from … Read more