How If-Then Plans Helps You Stick with a New Habit

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When it comes to a habit change, we all start with the best of intentions. We promise to make a change, commit to it every day and imagine a perfect future where we’re no longer doing a bad habit. Then what usually happens? Failure. The question is: Why do people fail when they start with … Read more

The Habit Loop: A Simple Guide on How Habits are Formed

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“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle I can’t count the number of times I told myself in my 20s, “Starting tomorrow, I won’t eat any junk food; I will only eat vegetables and whole foods.” But I never followed through. Why? Because the following … Read more

31 Bad Habits to Break Now (2024 Comprehensive List)

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We all have bad habits that can be hard to break, from eating junk food late at night to spending too much time on our phones. But here’s the thing – if we want lasting success in any area of our lives, those bad habits must go! We’ve put together a comprehensive list of 31 … Read more

17 Daily Goal Examples to Help You Conquer the Day

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When you think about your goals, your mind probably automatically goes to the long-term plans that you’ve made for yourself. But, without having smaller, daily goals that will give you a sense of accomplishment on a regular basis, you will lose the necessary motivation to reach your larger goals. Setting small process goals that you … Read more

13 Nervous Habits, Tics, & Signs of Anxiety

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Feel no confidence in a social setting. Here are 13 habits that show you're nervous around people and how to quickly eliminate these body language tics.

Want to learn how to stop fidgeting in a social setting? Do you often show these signs of nervous habits like: Leg shaking Taping fingers Ear touching obsession Touching hair Fidgety fingers Biting your nails If you display any sign of these anxiety habits, then you’ll want to check out the following list of nervous … Read more