Why “Broken Windows” Cause You to Feel Overwhelmed and Out of Control

broken windows theory | what is the broken windows theory | broken window theory pdf

If you’re like most people, there are times when you feel overwhelmed and out of control in your life. You want to take action, but you feel too depressed to do much with your day. The interesting thing? There is a specific habit you can develop that will help you minimize the “blue feelings” that … Read more

Is Quitting Cold Turkey the Right Choice?

Going Cold Turkey

Is “quitting cold turkey” the best choice for a bad habit? If you have an addiction, you may wonder about the effectiveness of this sudden change to your routine. Is it better to wean yourself off your addiction with support, or immediately stop? If you want to build more good habits and are curious about … Read more

One Habit at a Time: How You Create Lifelong Routines

Bad Habits

It’s hard to develop new habits. We are so used to doing the same thing over and over again, so it often seems like it’s impossible to make a permanent change. There is a major a reason why most people fail with habit development: It’s impossible to change multiple habits at the same time.  Changing … Read more