How Long Does it Take to Form a Habit? (21 or 66 Days?)

how long does it take to form a habit | how to form a habit | it takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days

Let’s say you want to change something in your life–maybe you want to quit smoking, start a new workout regimen, or eat more vegetables. How long do you think it might take for that change to stick? While historically, people have thought that it takes 21 days to create a new habit (or change an … Read more

The Habit Loop: A Simple Guide on How Habits are Formed

habit loop | what commences the habit loop | the habit loop book

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle I can’t count the number of times I told myself in my 20s, “Starting tomorrow, I won’t eat any junk food; I will only eat vegetables and whole foods.” But I never followed through. Why? Because the following … Read more

Ego Depletion: Definition and a Simple Overview

ego depletion | ego depletion definition | ego depletion overview

“Can you change more than one habit at a time?” That is a question that many self-helpers have. My answer is no. The reason relates to something called ego depletion. In this post, we’ll examine ego depletion and show how you can use it to successfully develop strong habits in your life. Let’s get to … Read more

9 Ways to Prevent or Overcome Decision Fatigue

decision fatigue | what is decision fatigue | decision fatigue signs

Imagine you are at the end of a hard exercise routine, and you can hardly push your body to do any more work. Your muscles are suffering from fatigue, and you are ready to give up. Your physical abilities have been depleted. ​The same concept can be applied to your mental abilities! Specifically, a concept called decision … Read more

10 Ways to Deal with a Impostor Syndrome Mindset

Discover how to deal with impostor syndrome and learn how to celebrate your accomplishments.

Do you know that sudden feeling you get when you are assigned a new project at work and you think you are in way over your head? Or when people around you are talking about their careers, and you feel quietly ashamed because you don’t think your success measures up? Maybe you beat yourself up … Read more