8 Ways to Be More Self Aware Throughout Life

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Having self-awareness means that you have a sharp realization of your personality, including your strengths and weaknesses, your thoughts and beliefs, your emotions, and your motivations. If you are self-aware, it is easier for you to ​​​​​understand other people and detect how they perceive you in return. Many people assume that they have a healthy … Read more

17 Long-Term Benefits of Reading Books

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It’s not surprising that as the amount of time people spend on activities such as browsing social media and playing online video games increases, the amount of time people spend reading books decreases. The truth is, Americans between the ages of 20 and 34 spend only an average of 7 minutes reading per day. However, … Read more

15 Core Values Quizzes to Identify What’s Important to You

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Want to live a more fulfilling, more authentic life? Knowing your personal core values is one way of connecting with your authentic self. Furthermore, personal core values are a big determiner of how you act, make decisions, and live. Living in accordance with your personal values brings a sense of fulfillment in everything you do. … Read more

How Mini Habits Can Change Your Life

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A month ago, I read Stephen Guises’s book Mini Habits: Smaller Habits. Bigger Results.  What I loved about the content was Stephen’s emphasize on how small changes can have an amazing impact in your life.  His “mini habit” concept is something I’ve incorporated into my life.  And so far, it has worked really well.  Hi, … Read more

What the Hell Effect: A Quick Overview

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We’ve all been there… You are trying, with all your willpower, not to eat bad food; but that slice of pizza is simply calling to you. “Eat me, eat me,” the pizza is practically screaming. So your willpower snaps and you eat the slice. Then what usually happens? After that, do you chalk it up … Read more