Neuroplasticity Explained: A Brief Guide

neuroplasticity | brain plasticity | what is neuroplasticity

Is it possible to change a bad habit? Can you replace limiting behaviors with good habits? That’s what many people claim is possible through neuroplasticity. So what is neuroplasticity and how can it help you develop good habits? What is Neuroplasticity? Put simply, the concept of neuroplasticity is defined as: Neuroplasticity nu̇r-ō-pla-ˈsti-sə-tē The way the … Read more

11 Keystone Habits Examples to Change Your Life

keystone habits in the workplace | keystone habits for weight loss | design your environment for success

Think about the domino effect that would occur if you went from eating fast food every day to eating whole, natural foods instead. What other areas of your life would be impacted aside from your waistline? First of all, you would lose some weight, which may then inspire you to start exercising. After a little … Read more

14 Ways to Quiet Your Monkey Mind

Tips for Quieting Your Monkey Mind | monkey mind | mindfulness | meditation | buddha | zen

I know what you are thinking. How, do you quiet your insane monkey mind you ask? How do you cut through all the noise that constantly surrounds us and keeps us from finding peace? Everything. Your “to do” list, your current feelings, your worries and fears for the future, what’s for dinner tonight. What was … Read more

Streak Habits VS Occasional Habits: Which is Better?

streak habits vs occasional habits | streak habits | occasional habits

Imagine you’re about to start a new habit. You want to turn it into a permanent routine. So do you follow it every day or do it a few times a week? Most experts would agree that the only way to turn an action into a habit is to follow it on a daily basis—to … Read more

13 Steps to Celebrate Small Wins with Your Goals

small wins | psychology of small wins | celebrate small wins

If you live a focused life, you probably set yourself goals—I know I do. Goals help you achieve more, cultivate success, and streamline life so you have less to worry about.  But have you been doing the other side of goal-setting, which is to celebrate small wins? Oh, sure, you will probably spoil yourself with … Read more