7 Codependent Quizzes to See if Your Relationship is Toxic

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Wondering if you’re in a toxic relationship? If so, reading this article might help.

Today’s article introduces you to codependency, which is another indicator that you might be in a toxic relationship. We’ve provided a list of the best codependent quiz websites to help you determine if you’re in a codependent relationship right now.

Is It Love or Codependency?

Do you feel like you’re losing yourself in your relationship? Many people have difficulty differentiating between love and codependency.

We are often made to believe that loving someone means putting their needs and happiness before our own. Many of us have even made this into one of our relationship goals.

Although this is true of parents raising small children, if it happens in an adult relationship—especially if we sacrifice our own happiness and forego our own needs in favor of taking care of our partner’s well-being—then it is more likely a symptom of codependence.

Children who grew up with parents who have difficulty establishing boundaries or who were emotionally unavailable often become codependent adults.

How Do I Get Out of Codependency?

When you take any of the featured quizzes below, you might discover that you are currently in a codependent relationship or that you yourself have codependent tendencies.

Nevertheless, there is hope for healing.

Here are some ways to start stepping away from codependency:

  • Stop thinking negatively.
  • Learn to honestly express your own needs.
  • Start being honest in communicating with your partner.
  • Reach out to peers. There are support groups available out there for those who want to recover from their codependent tendencies.
  • Learn to build boundaries and not feel guilty when you prioritize your own needs and happiness.

Read on to learn more about the nature of codependency and to determine, once and for all, if you have this tendency.

Please note that these quizzes are not a replacement for an actual diagnosis by a professional.

1. Marriage.com: Are You in a Codependent Relationship?

This quiz will help determine if what you have with your partner is a codependent relationship. In this quiz, you’ll be given 20 scenarios that commonly occur in relationships.

For each scenario, you have three choices of the action to take.

The results are provided immediately after you’ve answered the last question.

If your results show that you have codependent tendencies, you’ll receive gentle encouragement to seek assistance from a therapist to start the process of recovery.

It takes at least 10 minutes to answer the quiz.

2. Restored Hope Counseling Services: Recognizing Codependence

This quiz requires you to answer only “yes” or “no” to a set of questions. Depending on your answers, it can determine if you have codependent tendencies or not.

The quiz can be completed in 10 to 15 minutes.

Although you’re only required to answer yes or no, the questions are thought-provoking and encourage quiz-takers to examine the state of their current relationships.

3. Family First Intervention: Could You Be Codependent?

According to this quiz’s site, there are four types of codependency:

  • Enabling
  • Enmeshed
  • Avoidance
  • Controlling

The quiz helps determine if a person has codependent tendencies. It is composed of 30 questions and takes at least 15 minutes to complete.

If the results indicate that you have codependent tendencies, the quiz also identifies the type and provides a description of specific actions that codependent people of that type tend to have in relationships.

As with other codependency quizzes, if your results show that you tends to be codependent, the page will provide a subtle encouragement for the quiz-taker to seek help from a specialist.

4. Last Door: Am I Codependent? (Self-Test for Codependency)

If you strongly suspect that your relationship is a codependent one, you might want to take this quiz to find out for sure.

The quiz has 20 questions, which you need to answer either yes or no to. Your results will be provided immediately after you complete the quiz.

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Taking a codependent quiz can help you determine if you’re in a codependent relationship right now.

If the results say that the quiz-taker is codependent, they are encouraged to either speak with a counselor or join Codependents Anonymous.

It takes an average of 10 minutes to finish this test.

5. Love Bondings: Codependent Relationship Test

If you’re looking for a quick online quiz to determine if you’re in a codependent relationship, you might want to try this one from Love Bondings.

This quiz consists of 10 scenarios, with multiple choices for your answers. The quiz takes at least 10 minutes to complete.

Results are immediately provided once you’ve finished answering the questions.

The results will tell you whether you’re borderline codependent or already in a full-blown codependent relationship, and offers a brief description of the actions you’re doing that demonstrate codependent traits.

6. Mental Health America: Friel Co-Dependency Assessment Inventory

This quiz can be done online or printed out if you’re looking for a traditional pen-and-paper test to determine if you possess codependent tendencies.

There are 60 scenarios, and each item requires you to answer whether the scenario is true or false in your experience.

The quiz takes between 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Afterwards, you need to calculate your score based on a system designed exclusively for this quiz.

Once you get your total score, you can search for its equivalent on the table provided at the end of the quiz in order to determine if you have codependent tendencies or not.

7. Zoo: Are You Codependent in Your Relationship?

Do you have a niggling suspicion that you’re slowly losing yourself in your relationship? That you’ve begun adopting your partner’s behavior and repressing your opinions just to keep the peace?

If so, then it’s time to reevaluate your relationship and check if everything is still healthy. Take this quiz and find out if you’re still your own person or if you’re wallowing in codependency and being a people pleaser.

This quiz has 30 questions with multiple choice answers for each item and allows you to take a deeper look into the status of your relationship.

Final Thoughts

There you have it—seven codependent quiz recommendations that you can check out to determine if you are currently in a highly toxic relationship.

We hope that it isn’t the case, but if you find yourself enmeshed in a codependent relationship, there is still hope for recovery.

It starts with learning how to love yourself better.

You might also want to check out the following resources, beginning with this article that features helpful tips on how to practice self-love:

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