Level Up Your Day (Links and Resources)

Level Up Your Day

Thanks for purchasing Level Up Your Day: How to Maximize the 6 Essential Areas of Your Daily Routine!

As you've probably seen, there are a LOT of links within the book.

So I've compiled this short list to help you quickly find a specific tool, app or resource.

Here is a complete list (in order of their appearance within the book):


Websites on Meal Planning:


  • Exercise and Depression – research on exercise on WebMD
  • Curves – a women’s-only gym
  • CNN video – where a woman lost 200 pounds simply by incorporating walking breaks into her work schedule
  • Pomodoro Technique – to help you take periodic 5-minute walking breaks
  • Stitcher App – where you can stream a variety of podcasts and radio shows

Apps and devices to help you create a regular exercise routine:

  • Fitbit – tracks the number of steps you take each day.
  • Lift.do – helps you track many healthy habits such as exercise, healthy food and drink choices and mental and spiritual practices such as gratitude.
  • Jog.fm – provides music to run by.
  • Digifit iCardio – is focused on cardiovascular health.
  • Fitocracy – hooks you up with a personal trainer to help you meet your fitness goals.
  • Map My Fitness – maps out running routes in various cities; it also includes a food log.
  • MyFitnessPal – is a great app for tracking both diet and exercise.
  • Zombies, Run! – makes a game out of running. It motivates you to run farther and faster in an attempt to escape the zombies.


Apps for list and reminders:

Productivity Tools:


Apps that can help you keep track of your new routines:

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