4 Best Mindfulness Games for Adults

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Have you ever noticed how when you are having fun you are able to put life's stressors aside and just be happy for a little while? Having fun while playing a game will not only reduce your stress in the short term, but can also have lasting effects that make you a more relaxed person overall.

Another way to relax in your daily life is to practice mindfulness. “Mindfulness” is a pretty straightforward word with pretty substantial effects. It indicates that the mind is paying full attention to what is going on in the present moment. It involves using all of your senses to live in the moment and observe what is going on around you without passing any judgment.

Mindfulness refers to one's ability to be fully present in the moment, aware of where you are and what you are doing, without reacting or becoming overwhelmed by your surroundings.

This might seem trivial, but the fact is, we often allow our minds to steer away from the matter at hand. Our minds wander, leading us to either become anxious about the future or ruminate about the past. No matter how far off your mind wanders, mindfulness is there to bring you back to the present moment to focus on what you are feeling and doing.

When we’re mindful, we are able to reduce stress, gain awareness, enhance performance, and increase our attention to the well-being of other people. It allows us the needed time to stop making judgments and pay close attention to how our minds work. In this way, we can approach our lives with kindness to us and other people.

Mindfulness may seem boring to some people, but when you turn it into a fun game, it can help reduce your anxiety and allow you to live in the present moment while having fun with your family and friends.

We will talk about four mindfulness games for adults that are fun and effective, and quite possibly the best on the market right now. Play these games with your family and friends to help improve your mindfulness skills and allow others to cultivate their skills as well.

Don't have time to read the entire review?

Here's a quick look at our top choices for these creative mindfulness exercises for groups!

Best for families or groups: VERTELLIS Classic CLICK HERE FOR PRICE
Best for individuals dealing with stress and anxiety: HeySun's Stress Less Cards CLICK HERE FOR PRICE
Best for groups dealing with stress and anxiety: Cards for Calm CLICK HERE FOR PRICE
Best for starting mindful conversations: Better Me's The Game of Growth CLICK HERE FOR PRICE

Understanding the Benefits of Mindfulness Games for Adults

Mindfulness games are games that are specially designed to help people develop their sense of awareness, calm, and even compassion through play. Adults can play these games with other people. They are fun while also being helpful to one's life in the long run.

Allow You to Practice Mindfulness in Many Situations

Often, these games come with cards that have prompts on them to help you think about your mindfulness practice and things you could do to help you learn throughout the day. They help you apply this practice to your everyday life so you can see how it can benefit you. Decide if you want to get a game that you can take with you on the go, or if you want one that will stay put in your house.

Make Meditation Fun

One problem with meditation that tends to keep people from participating in it is that the classes can seem boring, and doing the practice at home alone might seem pointless. But what if practicing mindfulness could be more fun and even incorporated into games at night rather than a boring lecture? Mindfulness games help adults learn about themselves in a way that is playful and social, providing people with a new way to get into the practice of meditation.

Add Creativity

The popularity of mindfulness is continuing to grow, but most of the ways in which is it presented are not very imaginative, and therefore may not captivate a huge audience. Mindfulness games work to frame and present the practice in new but authentic ways so more people may become interested in learning about it and applying it to their everyday lives. While most of the resources in the meditation world are going into research right now, it is still important to add new dimensions, such as creativity.

Practicing With Friends

You are probably used to hearing about how mindfulness is a practice that teaches you to be more aware of yourself, so you likely think it is an individual activity. However, the practice of meditation has historically been a social activity.

Meditation is taught these days in a way that does not emphasize community, so the idea of making mindfulness into a game is new to many practitioners. However, the joy of being with friends and family can add to our mindfulness experiences. Everything is more enjoyable when we do it in the presence of the people we love, and meditation and mindfulness are no exception.

Learning Through Play

People love games, and they are a great way to learn new skills. Meditation teaches people how to increase their awareness, and mindfulness games take the fundamentals of games that you already know and add a new twist so that playing games helps grow people's positive qualities.

Made by People Who Understand Mindfulness and Games

Mindfulness games are created by people who love both mindfulness and games. They are experts in both areas. The result of combining one with the other is an innovative way to learn how to be mindful.

Made to Be Fun

These mindfulness games are created to be a fun and engaging way to learn how to be mindful, self-aware and decrease stress.  This means that they are a great way for novices to get into practice if they do not know anything about it. Many people may be hesitant to start practicing mindfulness because they are intimidated by videos, classes, or lectures. But doing it in a fun way gives a great introduction to anyone who wants to take part in this activity. It also helps people introduce the practice to their friends in a fun way so the joy of it can be spread.

These games are not intimidating or overwhelming like the thought of meditation may be. They are approachable and great for people of all ages and from all backgrounds. Anyone can find something enjoyable in these mindfulness games.

Best Mindfulness Games for Adults

VERTELLIS Classic – Conversation Starter Card Game

This is the best mindfulness game for families or groups of people to play. This game incorporates mindfulness, communication, and connection to help people learn and master the practice.

While a lot of games are packed into oversized boxes that require you to find a place to store them, this game comes in an easily transportable and aesthetically pleasing box that can even be left out on a table.

The name of the game, Vertellis, comes from two Dutch words: “vertel eens.” These words mean “tell us more,” which is what this game centers on. It asks players to answer the questions that are provided in the deck, and requires players to engage with each other by digging deeper into the questions. This allows players to form a deeper connection with the people they are playing with.

This game is played in four rounds. Rounds one and three ask questions about the past and the future. They address what has happened in the past year and the goals for the upcoming year. This is where players get the opportunity to tell some of their best stories, and other players are encouraged to ask questions to learn more. In rounds two and four, players get points by trying to guess certain things about one another. Each correct guess allows a player to gain a point. At the end of the game, the winner is revealed.


  • Engaging for people of all ages
  • Play can be interrupted and then easily returned to
  • Great for holidays
  • Competitive enough for even everyone to enjoy


  • You can really only play with the same group of people once a year
  • Not a high-energy or party game
  • Some find that the questions are geared toward people who are financially well off and do not address those who are on a tight budget

HeySun's Stress Less Cards – 50 Inspirational Mindfulness & Meditation Exercises

This might be the best game for you if you are dealing with stress and anxiety. It comes with 50 easy mindfulness exercises that anyone can use when they are dealing with stress. Each exercise comes on a card that can be taken with you wherever you think you might need to practice mindfulness.

They are simple for everyone to use, and give powerful techniques that can be quickly memorized and then applied to any situation. You can use them in the car, at work, in the grocery line, or even before going to bed. The mindful exercises are designed to stop the stress reaction that your body has and allow you to relax.

This fun game helps teach players how to reduce their anxiety and stress without having any prior knowledge. It teaches about focusing on breathing, observing your body, and creating positive emotions with visualization strategies. It is even used by health care professionals as a safe and reliable tool to solve stress management and anxiety issues.

It can also help reduce insomnia without the use of harmful drugs that can have side effects. These cards give you a natural and empowering solution that you can use for a long time. They are small enough that you can take them anywhere, and they come in a convenient pack. Put them in your handbag or backpack to keep them available for whenever you need them.


  • The exercises provided on the cards are clever
  • Great to keep on your desk at work for stressful days
  • Works great as a gift


  • A bit expensive
  • The print is small on the cards, and may be difficult for some people to read
  • Not a competitive game to play with friends

Cards for Calm: A game of mindfulness to combat anxiety and negative thinking

This is a great game for groups who are dealing with stress, anxiety, and negative thinking. The game encourages positive behavior and helps people live a life with less worry and anger.

It helps people find new ways to handle negative confrontations and pay attention to the present moment. It can be played with either one person or in a group of people, and is a great self-help tool for teachers and counselors.

mindfulness games for adults

The deck has 24 question cards and 24 answer cards. The question cards allow players to identify areas of their lives that they want to improve, and each question card has an answer card to encourage players to explore their behavior and think about possible new ways to deal with it.

This mindfulness game helps players consider the underlying problems in their everyday issues and find more effective ways to deal with them. It even helps players create new challenges for their everyday lives that can revolve around their life's passions.


  • Simple game to play
  • Makes you think more deeply about your life and everyday choices
  • Motivates players to make positive changes in their lives


  • Not a competitive game, more of a conversation starter
  • Not a game that you can play every day
  • Cards are a bit thin

Better Me's The Game of Growth

This is a great game if you want to start mindful conversations with your friends and family. It is designed for two to eight players, so it can be played in a variety of different settings.

This game takes a cooperative approach to personal development and people's relationships. It uses the principles of positive psychology to challenge each player to take action to improve their lives and help strengthen their relationships by encouraging them to connect with others in a deep and meaningful way.

creative mindfulness exercises for groups

One of the best parts of this game is its ability to create conversations between people that help them not only get to know each other, but also learn more about themselves. It provides people with a fun atmosphere to share things with the group, such as past accomplishments, challenges, and life lessons. It also challenges players to do things to better themselves, such as writing a thank you note to a friend or going out and picking flowers.

This game includes questions that prompt people to self-reflect and share their thoughts and their life philosophies. This is a very valuable lesson for the people who are sharing, and gives the other players a unique chance to find out what is important to each other.

This game also tackles accountability. Any player who commits to action gets a partner to keep them accountable and make sure that they follow through with their commitment. Each player writes down the intended action along with the date by which they want to complete it. Having a partnership helps group members to have the support and make sure that they do the things that they want to in order to improve their lives. This is a great way to help develop teamwork.

Hosting a game night with Better Me is an effective way to meet people and get to know them better. Players get to know each other on a deeper level, regardless of how long they have known each other. This game is a great way to create priceless memories of bonding and understanding. Play with friends, family, co-workers, or therapy groups.

One of the best parts of this game is its ability to create conversations between people that help them not only get to know each other but also learn more about themselves. It provides people with a fun atmosphere to share things with the group, such as past accomplishments, challenges, and life lessons. It also challenges players to do things to better themselves, such as writing a thank you note to a friend or going out and picking flowers.

This game includes questions that prompt people to self-reflect and share their thoughts and life philosophies. This is a very valuable lesson for the people who are sharing and gives the other players a unique chance to find out what is important to each other.

This game also tackles accountability. Any player who commits to an action gets a partner to keep them accountable and make sure that they follow through with their commitment. Each player writes down the intended action along with the date by which they want to complete it. Having a partnership helps group members to have the support and make sure that they do the things that they want to in order to improve their lives. This is a great way to help develop teamwork.


  • You can play with people that you do not know very well
  • Great for older kids
  • Works as a self-actualizing tool


  • Game play is long
  • Not a party game
  • Not great for younger children
  • Not competitive

The Winner

The winner of this roundup is HeySun's Stress Less Cards – 50 Inspirational Mindfulness & Meditation Exercises. This is a great tool for people to carry around with them on an everyday basis to help them with their mindfulness practices.

mindfulness exercises for groups

People can also take these cards and discuss them with people around them, such as friends, family, and coworkers. They can challenge each other to really think about their responses and lifestyles to encourage the practice of mindfulness.

With 50 cards available, this game can be used on a regular basis, and you may need to only focus on one card per day. Additionally, it provides great questions for you to keep coming back to on a regular basis to track your progress.

Start thinking about mindfulness in a new and fun way and order HeySun's Stress Less Cards today to get yourself started.

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Practice mindfulness with the 4 Best Mindfulness Games for Adults that are fun and effective.