Looking for motivational coloring pages for all ages? We’ve got you covered with this collection of coloring pages designed to inspire and motivate you to keep moving forward.
Perhaps you’re stuck, finding it hard to achieve your goals. You might be having a difficult week and need to step back in order to regroup. Maybe it feels like you’re going uphill in your pursuit of your dreams and you just can’t get a break.
Coloring pages, with their breathtaking illustrations and inspiring quotes, can help release the tension you’ve been feeling lately.
Take that much-need break. Let the coloring pages we’ve compiled for you give you a dose of positivity.
1. Capable of Amazing Things
It’s easy to feel discouraged when things aren’t going how you want them to. Lest you forget about your own ability to make positive transformations in your life, this coloring page serves as a reminder of your ability to do amazing things.
2. A C. S. Lewis Reminder of Betting Things to Come
Constantly ruminating about the past prevents you from seeing and embracing the wonderful opportunities ahead of you. There are better, brighter things to look forward to.
Here are some habits you can adopt to learn to let go of the past and live in the present.
3. Being Patient
Some people have the tendency to be their own worst critics. Are you one of them?
If you find it hard to cut yourself some slack, it’s probably time to consider being more patient with yourself. Practice being kinder to yourself, especially when you think you’ve messed up.
Know that it’s okay to make mistakes. We all do.
4. Choose Happy
People who are truly happy in life are the ones who have realized that happiness is a choice. They make the conscious decision to focus on the positive and embrace happiness every day.
To download this coloring page from the original post, scroll down the article to find the list of printables in alphabetical order. Find the Cs and click on “Choose Happy” to get a copy of this coloring page.
5. Love More…
Let go of your anxiety, even just for a few hours, by coloring something. The act of coloring promotes relaxation and can make you forget your worries for a while.
6. Just Breathe
Whatever challenges are blocking your way, take a deep breath and move forward.
7. Relax
Sometimes you just need to relax, despite a busy schedule or full workload. Doing so can help you recharge so you’ll be more capable of handling your tasks. Allowing yourself to relax is a form of self-love.
8. Kindness Rules
Did you know that being kind actually helps you live longer? Being kind decreases anxiety and improves positive emotions, which have positive benefits to your health. Being kind also fosters positive behavior, allowing you to develop compassion and a sense of gratitude. Even if life is difficult, choose to be kind.
9. Nothing Is Impossible
If you are not yet living the life you’ve always dreamed of, take this opportunity to do something that helps you move towards the fulfillment of that dream. Nothing is impossible if you’re committed to doing what’s necessary to make your dreams come true.
10. Don't Let Scars Define You
Some people have gone through so much difficulty in the past that they feel they can never escape what they’ve experienced. It’s true that those experiences influence their present circumstances, but they shouldn’t be defined by what happened.
Focus on moving forward with lighter baggage. Learn to let go and forgive.
11. A Choice Between Flowers and Weeds
You have the power of choice. You can choose what thoughts to pay attention to and to grow in the garden of your mind.
12. Good Vibes Coloring Pages
The world needs your special kind of weirdness. Nobody can pull it off better than you.
This coloring page is part of a set that the author offers for free from several coloring books she published.
13. Create the Most Wonderful Version of Yourself
You are the author of your own story. The world is richer because of the story you’re weaving through your life.
14. Channeling Ali
This quote from Muhammad Ali can be applied in everyday life. We should act gracefully, even in difficult situations, and make powerful choices that impact our lives and change it for the better.
15. Empowering Coloring Pages
This coloring page is part of a set that was created to promote self-care. The creator hopes that, in using his work, you’ll be reminded to take it slow and to be gentle with yourself.
16. The World Needs You
Everything about you matters. The world needs your unique contributions. Don’t give up on your dreams.
17. The Smallest Moment Counts
The ability to be present in the moment is called mindfulness. Sometimes, being present in the moment can lead to great insights. It is also in the small moments of being present when you can experience profound joy.
18. Have Faith in Yourself
Having faith in yourself is crucial to success. It might take a lot of effort to start believing in yourself if you’ve spent most of your life doubting what you’re capable of. However, once you overcome your self-doubt and develop strong self-esteem, you’ll be pleased to see how high you can soar.
19. Bloom
This coloring page invites you to flourish, even when you’re in the midst of difficulties. Try to see the opportunities instead of the limitations. In addition, try to view life with an attitude of gratitude.
20. Miracle
If you believe in the power of manifesting what you truly want in life, you should prepare yourself to receive it.
There’s a story about the people of a drought-stricken village. They gathered at their village square and collectively prayed for rain. Among the crowd was a young girl. She was holding an umbrella. It seemed like she was the only one who truly believed that the village would get what it was asking for.
21. Your Own Kind of Amazing
Don’t be afraid to express who you truly are. You are amazing in your own way.
22. Find Rainbows
Rainbows usually appear after it rains. The same happens with life. Difficulties can be overcome, and you’ll get to see the beauty and sweetness in life again.
23. Color Outside the Lines
Don’t be afraid to do something unconventional. When you start thinking out of the box, you’ll find numerous opportunities and solutions to problems. You’ll find creative ideas and insights that wouldn’t have been available if you had only colored within the lines.
24. Follow Your Heart
It’s time to consider what you truly want to do. Take a moment to reflect on your dreams when you were younger. Are you doing what you love? If not, what initial steps do you need to take to move closer to your dreams?
25. Your Future Needs You
The past can be a heavy burden to bear and prevent you from moving forward. Perhaps it’s time to let go of that baggage so you can free your arms to embrace your future.
26. The Possibility of Soaring High
The potential for greatness is always there. The question is, are you willing to take the risk and see how far you’ll go?
27. Discover How Amazing You Can Be
Perhaps “normal” is just a word to control everybody and make them mediocre. Embrace your own brand of weird. No one else was created like you.
28. All Is Well
Have peace in your heart. All is well.
29. Be the Change
Gandhi made this famous statement to encourage people to be accountable for the quality of their own lives. If you aspire for something in life, you must have the initiative to take the first step toward that goal.
30. Dream Create Inspire
Dream big. Create an amazing life. Inspire others to do the same.
31. Be the Best You
We all have the potential for greatness. Are you going to let that go to waste, or are you going to do something about it and share the amazing results with the rest of the world?
32. Your Own Kind of Beautiful
I hope you grow in confidence so you never think that you need to be a clone of a celebrity in order to be beautiful. I hope you see your own beauty and how amazing you are.
33. Live Love Sparkle
Don’t let the difficult experiences you’ve had dim your sparkle. Keep glowing. Keep loving life.
34. Your Only Limit Is You
Your success is not determined by how much talent you’re born with. It is your willingness to get up after every fall, to learn from mistakes, and to try again that will ensure you’ll achieve what you want.
35. The Universe Is Yours
It’s yours. Take it!
36. You Are Loved
Remember that you are not alone. Your presence here is appreciated.
37. I Love You
Most of all, know that you are worthy of love. I know how you struggle to fulfill your dreams, how you long to share your contribution with the rest of humanity. Hold on, because it will be worth it. And in case nobody has told you yet, you are worthy of being loved.
Final Thoughts on Motivational Coloring Pages
Life will always have its ups and downs. Sometimes, you might feel tempted to just give up on your dreams. It is important to remember that we all go through difficult times, and they’re not going to last forever.
Hopefully, the motivational coloring pages featured today will restore your passion for your dreams. We encourage you to download your favorites. Print them out and color them in.
Compile them as a source of positivity and a way to relieve stress and anxiety. You can put one up in a prominent spot to serve as a source of motivation during tough times.
If you have kids, help them grasp important concepts, such as the growth mindset, through coloring pages.
And if you're looking for more resources on coloring pages, be sure to check out these blog posts: