5 Proven Strategies to Stop Yourself from Binge Eating

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Many people have a love-hate relationship with food. The unhealthy way that many of us view food can lead to eating disorders. One such disorder is binge eating. This happens when a person periodically overeats (usually very quickly) to the point of discomfort and then feels shame or guilt afterward. For some, binge eating begins … Read more

15 Ways to Make Your Body More Alkaline and Raise Your pH Levels

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​Quick question: Are you looking for a few simple tips how to make your body more alkaline?  Or do you want to raise your pH levels?  If so​, then it’s not too hard to achieve these outcomes! ​In this post, you will get a comprehensive guide on how to alkalize your body. First, you’ll learn … Read more

How to Make a DIY Mindfulness Jar (Video and Ingredients)

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When you think of mindfulness, do you only think of adults? It seems like such a difficult practice to master, so it should be left up to adults to try, right? Actually, not really. There are great ways to make mindfulness practice both fun and engaging for children. If they start to learn early, they … Read more

8 Best Vision Board Supplies: A Simple Checklist

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Are you ready to manifest all that you’ve dreamed of in your life? If so, you might want to consider creating your own vision board. As a powerful visualization tool, a vision board formally sets your intention and, using the Law of Attraction, gives you results. It is like drawing up a contract between you … Read more

A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish: 3 Lessons for This Quote

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“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry If you have ever studied French, you have undoubtedly heard of the book Le Petit Prince (or, The Little Prince). Written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in 1943, this book is often used in educational settings not only to help teach the French … Read more