7 Relationship Core Values Quizzes & Assessments

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It takes a lot of hard work to build a strong relationship with a partner or spouse.

As a couple, you’ll encounter challenges that will sorely test your relationship.

The core values you and your partner consider important will be a major factor in determining if the relationship will survive obstacles or crumble in the face of conflicting priorities.

A happy and long-lasting relationship is much easier to achieve if both partners have similar core values.

[See 100 Best Examples of Great Personal Core Values]

Top 10 Core Values in Relationships

Core values serve as the foundation of our character. They influence the decisions we make and dictate our behavior in a variety of situations.

When applied to relationships, core values form the basis of what you search for in a partner. They also have an impact on your decision whether or not to get married or start a family.

Here are the top 10 common core values shared by couples in happy and successful relationships:

  • Trust
  • Communication
  • Commitment
  • Respect
  • Companionship
  • Empathy
  • Loyalty
  • Growth
  • Intimacy
  • Acceptance

The Benefits of Using Assessment Tools for Relationship Core Values

Assessment tools such as online quizzes and worksheets help determine whether you and your partner are on the same page about what’s important in your relationship.

Taking any of these quizzes together can be an exciting opportunity for you and your partner to bond with each other.

These quizzes enlighten you about the core values you have when it comes to relationships. They also show you if you and your partner share the same core values.

Taking a relationship core value quiz reveals whether the core values important to you and your partner are present in your relationship.

It highlights the parts of the relationship that are healthy and which parts need attention.

Here is our recommendation of the best quizzes and worksheets you can try online.

1. Values in a Relationship Quiz

What do you really want in a relationship?

This quiz helps you and your partner achieve balance by determining what your priorities are. It is an eye-opening quiz that reveals what you need in order to achieve a healthy and happy relationship.

There are 10 questions to answer. The results, which are given upon completion of the quiz, reveal the values you believe are the foundation of a solid relationship.

Average time to take: 7 minutes

2. What Do You Look for in Relationships?

This is currently one of the most in-depth quizzes available online if you’re looking for something that will reveal:

  • What you expect from a partner
  • What your deal-breakers are
  • What you consider to be the most important aspects of a relationship

The results provide a summary of what you value most in a relationship. In addition, it shows a graph of your specific relationship preference (your top six values), along with an explanation of these values.

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Taking any of these quizzes together can be an exciting opportunity for you and your partner to bond with each other.

It also provides a comparison of your results with that of the “average person” to check if your expectations are reasonable or extreme.

This eye-opening quiz has 70 questions and takes a minimum of 15 minutes to finish.

3. Joanne Bagshaw's Relationship Values Worksheet

This quiz was created by a psychotherapist to help couples create a vision of their relationship for both the present and future.

Once completed, this worksheet serves as a guide for setting goals, the basis for making joint decisions, and a reference for balancing the relationship when there’s a need to do so.

The worksheet consists of four pages of activity, with instructions. The worksheet can be used several times, considering that relationship values change depending on the life events of the couple.

4. Core Values Exercise (Couples Version)

Similar to resource number three, this worksheet is designed to be filled out by both partners.

The goals of this worksheet are to:

  • Help clarify your personal core values
  • Develop a shared values list with your partner
  • Integrate these shared values into the couple’s lives

This worksheet has two parts. Determining both personal and relationship core values together can take at least half a day.

5. What Do You Value Most?

This assessment is a story that ends with a question that will reveal your true priorities and values when it comes to relationships. The interpretation for your answer is provided on the site.

This test takes an average of 5 minutes to complete.

6. Love Quiz: Do You Trust Your Partner?

How much do you trust your partner?

Trust is one of the essential core values for a happy and healthy relationship. This test reveals if this core value is present in the bond you share with your special someone.

It provides a quick overview of your relationship’s trust metric.

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Taking a relationship core value quiz reveals whether the core values important to you and your partner are present in your relationship.

There are 10 statements that you rate on a scale from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.”

Interpretations of the score you get n this quiz are provided when you finish. The score ranges are grouped into three different brackets, each corresponding to a specific level of trust.

This quiz takes a minimum of 3 minutes to complete. It is an excerpt of the full Love Quiz designed by Dr. John Gottman of the Love Lab.

[Find out How to Build Trust in a Relationship in 7 Steps.]

7. Setting Shared Goals Quiz

Couples that have relationship goals are more likely to stay happily together for longer.

Here’s an online quiz that reveals if you and your partner are on the same page about your vision for the future of your relationship.

It highlights areas in your lives where both of you share and work towards goals. This quiz also indicates those areas that need extra attention or more work in order for the relationship to last.

Final Thoughts

Relationships require a lot of work in order to last, and your core values play a big role in the quality of your relationship.

Remember, it is essential for you and your partner to share common relationship values if you are aiming for a long-lasting and happy relationship.

Taking an online relationship core values quiz together is one way of determining the core values you share. This way, you can strengthen these aspects of your relationship.

It can also provide an opportunity for improvement in case there is a huge difference in the values that the two of you hold in high esteem.

Hopefully the quizzes and assessments featured in today’s article will show you how to fortify your relationship.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for more resources related to relationships, here are some articles for reference:

Finally, here are some resources about core values that you might want to check out:

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