6 SMART Goals Examples for Social Workers

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Social work is considered one of the most fulfilling jobs one can have. Working with people presents plenty of opportunities for reflection and growth. However, social workers are often overworked or stressed.

Before you can help someone else go through their pain and problems, you need to help yourself. That’s where the SMART goals methodology comes in. With SMART goals for social workers, you can jumpstart your personal and professional growth and get your life on track.

What Are SMART Goals?

“SMART” is an acronym for “Specific, Measurable, Achievable (or Attainable), Relevant, and Time-bound (or Timely).”

These five core concepts transform a vague objective into a meaningful goal. You can apply them to any existing plan, usually by breaking it down into constituent parts, to create a clear and concise task that is much easier to tackle.

Here’s a rough breakdown of each concept behind SMART goals.


By breaking down a more extensive problem into smaller and more precise pieces, you can get a specific goal to work towards. Rather than saying, “I want some time off next month,” you can narrow down how exactly you plan to do that.

For example, you can work overtime or find an additional source of income to keep up with your finances. This can be tricky to get right, so don’t be discouraged if the first few iterations aren’t perfect.


This is all about how you can define success or what metric you can use to gauge progress. For some goals, this can be very straightforward.

For example, if you want to earn more money, the measurement could simply mean tracking your income throughout the month. Other times, you might need a more esoteric way to monitor whether you’re on course to achieve the goal, like customer satisfaction.


One of the biggest pitfalls in planning is to make your aims overly ambitious or unrealistic. Simply saying “I want to get rich” doesn’t exactly lay down a clear path to success.

Instead, develop meaningful short-term objectives such as learning finance control. By using smaller, easier-to-reach goals, you can immediately begin planning the steps to take.


It’s usually best to stick to the plan. If you’re trying to advance your career, your aims must be relevant to your career’s progress. SMART goals need to have a noticeable effect on your long-term plan or lead to other short-term objectives that will propel you forward on your intended path.

Relevancy is usually straightforward but can sometimes get off-track. To achieve one goal, you might need to find a more roundabout way of completing its prerequisites.


Finally, one of the most crucial aspects of setting SMART goals is ensuring a time limit. In the example “I want to get rich,” the goal has no time limit. Do you plan to get rich in a year? Five years?

Setting up a realistic timeline will ensure you can devote enough time to complete the task without compromising your other duties. Also, it will give you the motivation to push yourself and strive for excellence.

Combining these concepts might be difficult at first. However, if you start applying them in your daily life (even with relatively simple daily tasks), you can build the methodology into a habit. You can then use it as a foundation for more meaningful and challenging objectives in the future.

Why SMART Goals Are Important for Social Workers

We all want what’s best for our clients. Unfortunately, as social workers, the bulk of our time is taken up by the never-ending struggle between managing our career progress, the demanding administrative workload, and still trying to have a personal life at the end of the day.

In fact, it’s not uncommon to see social workers who need more help than the people and families they’re working to assist. As a mental health advocate and an adviser, it’s essential to take a step back and reflect on how the work affects you and make your workload more manageable.

Since social work often comes with unpredictable schedules and overtime to be there for people experiencing severe problems in their daily lives, time management usually takes a backseat.

Most social workers agree that working a regular 9-to-5 simply doesn’t give them enough time to do their jobs, and they don’t even take breaks for lunch.

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Working with people presents plenty of opportunities for reflection and growth.

Because of this, we must use every skill in our arsenal to organize and prepare for each long day ahead.

SMART goals for social workers are an easy way to break those seemingly insurmountable challenges into bite-sized chunks you can work on between the other tasks in your busy schedule.

Instead of getting overwhelmed by vague objectives and feeling like you never make progress in the long term, you can set yourself up for success and watch the results unfold as you finish each small task on the way to your end goal.

The other side of using SMART goals for social workers is learning to create these goals with your clients. Then, you can build on your good habits and make meaningful plans that they can follow with the same methods.

In addition, setting your clients up with SMART goals to work on makes your workload lighter since you’ll have an easier time tracking their progress.

6 SMART Goals Examples for Social Workers

1. Improve Communication with Clients

“To improve communication with my clients, I will vocalize their concerns back to them. In addition, with every first appointment in the next month, I hope to create better initial reports and more meaningful client summaries.”

S: The goal specifies improving communication by repeating client concerns and including them in client summaries.

M: The metric for success is having better reports on each client based on the initial appointment. This contrasts with the vague reports that some social workers create to save time, hoping they can later cobble more detailed ones.

A: This is an achievable goal for people who want to improve their communication skills, as it only requires focus during client appointments.

R: The objective is immediately relevant to the practice. Implementing better initial reports and building rapport with clients in the first appointment will provide an excellent foundation for future work.

T: The time constraint for this task is one month, though it might be extended indefinitely if deemed a success.

2. Manage Workload Better

“I will implement better tracking software to manage my workload. I will research the best planning programs and then implement the most suitable application for my goals. By laying out my client details in an easy-to-access format, my goal is to spend less time on administrative work and client tracking within the next two months.”

S: The goal is to use better organizational software to manage relevant client information and make it more accessible, reducing time spent on administrative tasks.

M: The metric for success will be using the new program and seeing how many minutes of each day are freed up by having client data be more readily available.

A: This goal is achievable, provided the software is compliant with industry regulations and patient information confidentiality.

R: Reducing administrative work can directly lead to improved productivity and a better sense of punctuality with completing work.

T: The time constraint for this task is two months.

3. Help a Clients who Suffers from Alcoholism

“To help a client who suffers from alcoholism, I will implement a tracking plan over the next year. We can work to reduce their alcohol consumption by ensuring the client spends time on healthier hobbies when they would typically go out for drinks. We can review the plan every month and course-correct to include better support services if necessary.”

S: The objective is to help a client with their alcohol problem by implementing a plan to spend more time on hobbies and decrease their consumption.

M: Success will be measured by how much alcohol the client consumes each month compared to before the plan was implemented.

A: The goal is achievable but depends on the client’s willingness or ability to cooperate.

R: This is directly relevant to continuing a successful practice as a social worker. Implementing these objectives for clients is a natural extension of SMART goals for social workers.

T: The task is finished after a year if all goes well.

4. Create a Better Sleep Schedule

“To ensure a better sleep schedule, I will start going to bed earlier and meditate before sleeping. For the next two weeks, I will go to bed by 11 p.m.”

S: The task is to create a more consistent sleep schedule to decrease stress.

M: You can measure this by noting when you go to sleep every night.

A: This is an achievable task if you can take responsibility for your well-being.

R: One of the most common problems social workers have is stress, which can come from work overload and a lack of sleep. By practicing healthier sleeping habits, you can have more energy throughout the day.

T: The task’s time limit is two weeks.

5. Establish Better Long-Term Relationships with Clients

“I will perform virtual or phone call follow-ups on at least two clients each day to establish a better long-term relationship and alleviate any concerns they have. By doing this for two weeks, I can better understand what I can do to influence their well-being and create a good work habit for the future.”

S: The idea is to create more meaningful relationships through regular follow-up appointments.

M: The number of follow-ups achieved throughout each day will be the measurement of success.

A: This is an achievable goal if you can set aside enough time each day to call two clients.

R: By improving client relations, social workers directly improve the odds of a positive outcome and better interact with the client and the system.

T: The goal ends in two weeks but can be extended indefinitely.

6. Improve Professional Skills

“To improve my professional skills, I will attend at least two conferences or seminars in the next six months.”

S: This is a straightforward objective of improving professional abilities through coursework and conferences.

M: You can track how many seminars you attend each month and which additional skills you learn.

A: This is an achievable and reasonable goal for anyone looking to advance in their career.

R: The long-term effects of improving your skills in social work and mental health and keeping up with new developments will be relevant to the role.

T: The timeline for the task is six months.

Final Thoughts on SMART Goals for Social Workers

Social work focuses on being thoughtful, compassionate, and helpful, but these are often overshadowed by the problems encountered in the workload.

Social workers can have a better work-life balance and advance their career prospects by building a good foundation through SMART goals. Also, using SMART goals lets you impart that knowledge to clients so they can have an easier time tackling their issues on their own.

If you want to learn more about driving positive social change, check out our post on how to create social goals to improve the world we live in.

And if you want more SMART goal ideas and examples, be sure to check out these blog posts:

Finally, if you want to take your goal-setting efforts to the next level, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals.

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