61 Positive & Happy Thoughts for Your Day

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Are you beset with worries? There is so much stress these days. The world as we know it has changed. It is hard to stay positive. Even harder to think daily positive thoughts, which many people recommend as a main way to stay positive. It seems that bad things are happening everywhere, all the time, … Read more

Inbox Zero: A Daily Habit to Empty Your Email Inbox

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Email is an important part of life. Whether you use it stay in touch with friends or as part of your job, using email is a routine that most people do on a daily basis. Unfortunately email is often a “time suck” that takes you away from working on important projects and living life.  Even … Read more

169 Fun 30-Day Challenge Ideas for Personal Growth

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If you want to live a better life, you can start establishing good habits today. One way of ensuring that those good habits permanently become part of your system is the 30-day challenge (30DC). Today, we’re providing you with 169 30-day challenge ideas for improving your career, personal life, health, finances, relationships, and even the … Read more

How to Stop Eating Fast Food: Take the 30-Day Challenge

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Avoid Fast Food Habit

One of the primary reasons I started DevelopGoodHabits.com was figuring out how to improve my own habits. Truth be told, like you, I have a few habits I’m hoping to improve. The biggest of them is my overindulgence on fast food and take out food. So, for November’s 30 Day Habit Challenge (30DHC), I decided … Read more

Daily Writing Habit: How to Write 75,000 Words in a Month [30DHC]

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Daily Writing Habit

How many words can I write in a month? That’s something I’ve wondered for awhile. As an Internet entrepreneur and Kindle publisher, I know that reaching a high word count can have a positive effect on my income.  In theory, the more words I write means more success for my business. For the last six … Read more