139 Funny Controversial Topics To Spark A Lively Debate

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Controversy has always had a knack for sparking interest and curiosity. Controversial topics can be excellent tools for learning something new, whether in a casual debate, a family gathering, or a heated online discussion. They challenge our perspectives, push us out of our mental comfort zones, and drive compelling conversations that linger long after they’ve … Read more

6 Outcome Bias Examples That Can Negatively Impact Your Decisions

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Let’s say you’re ready to learn a new hobby–and since your buddies seem to enjoy their poker nights, learning how to play this game will allow you to get in on the fun. But you’ve got some catching up to do when it comes to knowing how to strategize, so you decide to take some … Read more

7 Omission Bias Examples That Negatively Impact Your Life

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Let’s say you’re walking down the sidewalk near a busy street and you see someone who is texting and not paying attention to where they’re going. There is some space between the two of you, but certainly not so much that you wouldn’t be able to stop them from walking into traffic. As you see … Read more

5 Burden of Proof Fallacy Examples

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If you think about what the “burden of proof” means for a minute (or you look it up), it makes perfect sense. This is something that you probably face in one form or another every day.  While the concept of “the burden of proof” is commonly used in law, it also plays a critical role … Read more

5 Appeal to Tradition Fallacy Examples in Life

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“Because that’s how we’ve always done it.” When I was working in my first position in child welfare at an agency that had been around for decades, this is the response I frequently received when questioning why certain processes were in place. As a recent graduate from a master’s program in social work, I was … Read more