How to Cut Emotional Spending and Avoid Impulse Purchases

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“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need,” said Tyler Durden in one of my favorite movies Fight Club. This is not far from the truth. With budgets of billions of dollars spend annually, advertisers try to convince us that if we buy their … Read more

9 Ways to Stop Impulse Buying & Curb Your Spending

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We’ve all been there. You see something in a store you want and get a momentary thrill as you consider buying it. You can’t wait to get home with your new item and try it out. You may even consider all of the positive changes it could make in your life. But this is not … Read more

11 Good Financial Habits for Lifelong Wealth

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It can take years of experience to develop good financial habits, but the benefits of being responsible with your spending are well worth any effort it takes to develop good practices. When you have your finances under control, you can keep you and your family out of debt, you can maintain a strong credit score, … Read more

5 Habits for a More Fulfilling Retirement

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For many, retirement presents a long-dreamed opportunity to pursue goals and experiences deferred by the demands of work and family for decades. But for many of the same people, retirement also presents an unexpected challenge, as that sudden burst of freedom threatens to wash away habits, routines, and disciplines carefully cultivated to keep their careers … Read more

11 Simple Habits to Stop Spending So Much Money

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Let me ask you a personal question: How is your financial situation? If you’re like the 50% of Americans in this 2017 report, then you might be living paycheck to paycheck. Even though the economy has seen significant improvement and people are earning more, there are still those who can barely make ends meet every … Read more