Lifestyle Creep: A Simple Guide to Avoiding It

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As people earn more money, they are tempted to upgrade their lifestyle. That’s to be expected. After all, they have more income at their disposal. Buying a new home, a more expensive car, and vacationing at luxurious destinations are no longer dreams.  All of this is possible, thanks to a bigger paycheck, higher business income, a well-deserved … Read more

20 Simple Ways to Quickly How to Pay Off Your Debt

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Have you ever gone swimming in the ocean and had a huge wave take you down, leaving you seconds to catch your breath before another wave crashed into you? That’s what being in debt can sometimes feel like. When in debt, you are: Constantly playing catch up on past-due bills. Filtering calls from debt collectors … Read more

Debt Snowball vs. Debt Avalanche: Which is Best for Me?

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Learn how to get started with the debt snowball and debt avalanche methods for paying off debt.

Making decisions is a part of life. Some decisions are tough… some are simple. Some are made spontaneously… while others require a great deal of thought. Common decisions we all face include: Which college to attend, if at all Which job to take Which person to marry Whether or not to have children Where to … Read more

Adulting Checklist: 6 Actions to Become a More Mature Adult

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So, you’re ready to shake that imposter syndrome and become a more mature adult? Studies suggest that, on average, people don’t start to feel like an adult until they’re 29 years old. And as someone who is in my mid-thirties and still calls mom and dad for help…a lot, I wonder if I was a … Read more

11 Simple Habits to Stop Spending So Much Money

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Let me ask you a personal question: How is your financial situation? If you’re like the 50% of Americans in this 2017 report, then you might be living paycheck to paycheck. Even though the economy has seen significant improvement and people are earning more, there are still those who can barely make ends meet every … Read more