Tim Ferriss TED Talk on Fear Setting Instead of Goal Setting

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“We suffer more in imagination than in reality.” – Seneca Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that can be applied to many aspects of life. Essentially, it is a philosophy that can be used to determine things you can control and those you cannot, and then focusing on the former through guided exercises. Tim Ferris: Smash … Read more

7 Best TED Talks on Stress Management (2024 Update)

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If you’re interested in learning new ways to cope with everyday stressors, the following TED talks on stress can help you.

Modern life is stressful—so stressful that learning how to manage your stress has become a necessary life skill. If you’re interested in learning new ways to cope with everyday stressors, the following TED talks on stress can help you. Not only will these best TED talks about stress share strategies for dealing with stress, but … Read more

7 Best TED Talks on Mindfulness: Inspirational Discussions that May Change Your Life

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The TED Talk platform has become popular for many reasons, the main reason is clearly stated in their simple slogan: “Ideas Worth Spreading.” TED Talks are an inspiring way to open your mind to new ideas, with the fun twist of having professionals on a variety of subjects tell real stories and describe real situations … Read more

7 Best TED Talks on Procrastination: Tim Urban and Others

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Watch the 7 best TED talks on procrastination and learn how to stop struggling to get things done.

TED—which stands for “technology, entertainment, design”—is a company that posts lectures online with the slogan “ideas worth spreading.” The TED conference has been held each year since 1990, and while its initial focus was on technology and design, it has since expanded to include lectures on a wide variety of topics, including education, business, and … Read more